Dog Bites

Every year, more than 4,000,000 people are bitten by dogs in California – many of those bitten are children. In California, dog bites are supported by strict liability, which provide stringent laws for injuries caused by a dog bite. Victims can recover for a dog owner’s negligence in causing the attack, violation of leash laws or laws prohibiting dogs from running free which resulted in the dog bite, or an owner who kept a dog with knowledge of the animal’s violent tendencies.

The Law Offices of Gene H. Chien can help you recover compensation for past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering and emotional distress suffered as a result of a dog bite. Call the Law Offices of Gene H. Chien for a free consultation to begin your recovery today.



簡君翰律師事務所將全力以赴保護您的法律權利,幫助你得到被狗咬傷的治療醫藥費用,和身體或心理傷害的賠償。 我們在處理被狗咬傷案件中有著豐富的經驗,在加州意外事故和傷害案件中有著非常多的成功紀錄。

如果您或您的孩子被狗咬傷 、被撞倒,請今天就與我們預約一次免費咨詢