Assault & Battery

Assault and/or battery charges are serious offenses in California and if convicted may result in a jail sentence and a criminal record. If you are charged with assault and/or battery, the acquisition of an attorney will aid in the defense of those charges and mitigate the consequences. The majority of assault and/or battery incidents involve contradictory accounts of events and require the expertise of legal counsel. An attorney can assist you by evaluating the evidence, reviewing the victim’s complaint, and analyzing witness statements and police reports to determine the best possible defense on your behalf.

Assault and/or battery charges are complex and your outcome will benefit from attaining legal counsel. If you are someone you know has been charged with assault and/or battery, contact the Law Offices of Gene H. Chien today to begin the steps to protecting your rights and interests.

在加州因毆打事件而被捕是相當不愉快的經驗。大多數涉嫌毆打的人都不明白他們為何被拘留 ,主要是因為許多人不知道涉嫌蓄意對另一人實施暴力,或對令ㄧ個人施用武力既是觸犯了加州的法律。
根據加州刑法第242條規定,如一方未經同意而對另一方進行肢體接觸,觸方的行為即有可能構成毆打罪 。

如果您的家人或認識的人因涉嫌毆打而被警方扣留,您需要一個有經驗的辯護律師來幫助您瞭解他 / 她的權利,作他 / 她強而有力的法律代表。請今天就與我們的律師事務所聯繫