A DUI is a serious criminal offense that can result in stiff fines and penalties including license suspension and jail time. The process and penalties relating to a DUI charge can be confusing and overwhelming. If convicted, your driving privileges could be prohibited for months, even on a first offense. If you are acquitted, you may still lose your driving privileges for up to 30 days. A felony DUI charge can result in a permanent stain on your record.

Gaining the experience and knowledge of an attorney is the first step in aiding in your defense when facing a DUI charge. You may feel embarrassed or ashamed of the charges that you face. The Law Offices of Gene H. Chien will work hard to preserve your dignity and practice a discreet defense of your charge.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a DUI, contact the Law Offices of Gene H. Chien today to aid in the complex and serious nature of your situation.

在加利福尼亞因酒醉駕車(DUI) 被逮捕是痛苦的。路邊幾分鐘的酒精測試可能成為您被銬上涉嫌酒後駕車的手銬的第一步。酒醉駕車的刑責更可能跟隨您短則幾個月,長甚至可達數年。

