Drug Possession

If you’ve been charged with drug possession, the charges against you are serious. California leads the country with drug possession charges and a successful charge can lead to fines, probation and/or jail time.

The most common types of possession charges deal with drugs typically found and sold on the street such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, ecstasy and heroin. If you have been charged with drug possession, there are options available to you. Penal Code 1000 and Proposition 36 provide non-violent offenders of drug charges avoid incarceration through rehabilitation and probation.

Having an experienced attorney from the Law Offices of Gene H. Chien will help you evaluate those options to enable you to protect your best interests as you navigate your way through the legal system.



1 類包括極易被濫用且有極大危險性,醫學上也不用的毒品,如

2 類包括極易被濫用但醫學上有用處藥品,如鴉片等

3 類包括1、2類不易被濫用,在醫學上有用的藥品,如安非他明命等

4 類是指易被濫用的,可能性較3類更小,濫用後導致有限的藥物依賴,醫學上有用的藥品,如巴比妥、苯巴比妥

5 類是指那些與上述類藥物相比更少可能被濫用,人體對之產生較有限依賴性的藥物,如每100毫升中含200毫古柯鹼的藥物。

